Every word counts, which is why we offer reliable and quick translations of all types of text, be it technical documents, training material, legal and official documents, business correspondence or product specifications, into the language of your choice. Our experienced translators are highly qualified and able to provide precise and stylistically correct translations in all subject areas. We then rely on native editors and proofreaders to provide a maximum level of accuracy by ensuring that the content of the translation optimally corresponds to that of the original text and that any linguistic nuances are preserved. Of course, we guarantee absolute confidentiality where the contents of your documents are concerned.
The following applies to all translations:
- Produced by qualified and experienced translators
- In all subject areas
- Available from all languages into all languages
- Native editors and proofreaders
- Absolute confidentiality
- Quick and great value
- Sent by e-mail or on a CD/USB in all software formats or as a hard copy sent by fax or printed
From €1.25 per line (1 line = 50 characters) depending on the language, subject area and level of difficulty
Minimum order volume: €45.00
German VAT will be added to all prices.
Request an individual quotation for your translation project by sending us an excerpt from your text by e-mail or by faxing it to +49 (0)6104 408729